Walking In The Light

Did I tell you about the Light? I poked my head out the back door to survey the morning – how cool it had got overnight, and whether the wind had picked up. In my somnolent fog, holding a cup of hot coffee, a shimmering rose glow caught my attention. It lit up the side of the neighbor’s house. Then I noticed it laced the clouds, and pink highlights were dripping from the leaves of the trees. Then it dawned on me. The sun was coming up. Already… and without me! I raced to put my shoes and walking gear on and bolted out the door to try to catch it before it got too high.

On my trail that skirts the bay front, my outbound path leads northwesterly, so if I am late, I have to keep turning around to see the glorious drama of light displayed across the water and sky. But I get to watch it in the faces of others walking towards me. Rays of gold and amethyst hit like a spot light on their faces, and everyone seems to be wearing a halo.

I marvel at how the light affects my fellow morning companions – all out there to see the same event. Some stop in wonder and silence. Others pull out their phone to take a picture. I’ve watched one woman raise her arms as in praise or prayer, and another man stood on the end of the pier and sang in the most accomplished operatic tone. I’ve never seen anyone clap, but we all would, if someone would start. We are all drawn to the beauty of the light. And it seems to bring out the best in us. Each of us are magnanimous of heart at that moment, our minds open to all possibilities. People are good, and the world is good, and it is all a gift.

The trick of course if to carry this aura into the

day. This was Moses’ dilemma. After online slots basking in the presence of God, his face glowed with the light, but it faded in time, as he retreated from the mountain – his trysting place with God. And this happens to us too. We know we cannot while away the day, trying to hold onto the changing light. We move on, through the busyness and cares of our responsibilities, and clouds come, then darkness follows. And we eagerly hop up the next morning to glimpse

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the light again – hungry for its promise.

This is the truth that God knew about us. How much we needed the light of each day to sustain us. So he sent that Light into the world, the Light that would be the life of man (John 1:4 and John 8:12). It is the light in our eyes, the spring in our step, the vivacity of our soul. It is our quickness of spirit and eagerness for love. As the Apostle Paul said, “In him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)

So instead of mourning the end of that radiant moment, as the sun moves higher in the sky, with a call to get to work; we rejoice, because God has placed his

Light in our hearts, to carry with us throughout the day. This is our energy and vibrancy to influence how we see the world and the people in it. This Light in us does not fade. The Lord is our everlasting light (Isaiah 6:19) and instead of diminishing in us, it is ever-increasing in us as we grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, who is the light of men.

So let us turn our faces toward the sun, and bask in the gift of each day. And may “We who with unveiled faces, all reflect

the Lord’s glory…because he has made his light shine in our hearts.” (2 Corinthians 3:18 and 4:6).

And, May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)